πŸ“‘General Settings

Generation System:

  • Object Pooling:

Object Pooling is a great way to optimize your projects and lower the burden that is placed on the CPU when having to rapidly create and destroy GameObjects. It is a good practice and design pattern to keep in mind to help relieve the processing power of the CPU to handle more important tasks and not become inundated by repetitive create and destroy calls. This is particularly useful when dealing with bullets in a top-down shooter game.

Object Pooling is a creational design pattern that pre-instantiates all the objects you’ll need at any specific moment before gameplay. This removes the need to create new objects or destroy old ones while the game is running. Object Pools are primarily used for performance: in some circumstances, object pools significantly improve performance when a project is creating and destroying the same GameObject repeatedly in rapid succession. It works by creating a set amount of GameObjects before the game’s runtime and simply inactivates or activates the GameObjects required, effectively just recycling the GameObject and never destroying it.

Attention: Pooling System: do not use Destroy GameObject. The minimum time to respawn in Pooling System is 10 seconds. If you use third party plugins on the AI or items that remove it from the scene errors may occur. It's the same configuration for items or AI, when an item is collected invoke the OnDead event

For Items Object Pooling is recommended.

  • Instantiate:

Create a new copy of the item each time it is destroyed.

For Generic AI it is recommended to Instantiate, it is more stable since Generic AI does not have the option to reset the AI.

Spawn Position:

  • Manual

Generate the Ai or item at a specific point, you can place several points and generate the AI or Items at a random point

  • Automatic

Just place the range radius and generate the AI or Items a random position of the navmesh

  • Multiple Zones

Generate AI or Items at various specific points on the map, with different range radius and different population numbers

  • Terrain Biome

Generate AI or Items randomly on the selected Terrain Texture, when it dies it randomly generates another.

Supports Terrain Biome: Unity Terrain and Third Party Terrains (Gaia and MapMagic 2)

Generatior Type:

  • Continuous and Procedural Spawner: Randomly spawn Enemies every time they die, randomly spawn another in a random position.

  • Waves Spawner: Generate waves of enemies, random or fixed amount of enemies in a specific position.

*Wave Spawner only Available in Automatic or Manual Position.

Disable IA/Object On Player Radius Detection:

If this option is active, deactivate the AI when the player is out of radius, (Improves Performance)

Generate IA/Object On Player Radius Detection

If this option is active, it only generates the AI when the player is within the radius, if this option is deactivated it will generate the AI when the player is outside the radius.

Max Spawn

Max Amount AI/Object to be Instantiated.

Random Max Spawner

Random the Max Amount AI/Object to be Instantiated, if it is activated it generates a new wave when all die.

Keep Max Spawn

if it is active Maintains the instantiated population, each time one dies it generates another, if it is deactivated it generates a new wave when all die.


Time to Generate or Regenerate AI/Item, The Minimum Time to respawner is 5 seconds.If you use third - party plugins in the AI/Item, errors may occur.

Use Different Time

  • Use Different time for the first Spawn

  • Use Different time for the first Spawn no available Object Pooling

Last updated